Sunday, September 12, 2010

Another Year, Another Cheeseburger

Ramone turned two today! For his birthday, we got him a cheeseburger from Burgerville, our local sustainable, compost-friendly, wind-powered "fast food" restaurant. He LOVED it. He didn't devour it right a way, instead caressing it and licking it before taking it outside in the yard. We typically never give him people food, so this was a major treat.

It amazes me how much Ramone has grown in the year we have had him. A few days ago I took him to the vet to get his yearly rabies vaccination. The last time he had been to the vet had been nearly a year, and on that occasion, he was miserable. He was so uncomfortable, growled at other dogs, and whined and whimpered for the entire 90 minutes we were there. This time, he was like a dream! Friendly to other people, sitting when asked, cautious but kind to the vet, and not a whimper or peep out of him. Training him took hard work and diligence, but I am so happy that we stuck with it to help him become the healthy, happy, and energetic dog that he is today.

Happy Birthday Ramone!

Monday, September 6, 2010

A True Test

This gorgeous Labor Day weekend, I spent roughly 16 hours putting together a metal shed that arrived in a flat box. No amount of holes that didn't line up or missing pieces or drills that wouldn't stay charged could stop us. We did it! What amazed me the most about this project was not the fact that we now have an actual 8x6 shed adorning our backyard, but that I completed this project without bickering or fighting with my handyman partner. To me, it was a true test of our relationship. Not only did we complete it sans yelling, but we actually had fun doing it.

There were many opportunities for yelling, shit-talking, and sarcasm, but neither of us engaged in the behavior. We worked it out, took our time, took breaks, took deep breaths, and even talked about how we could be yelling at each other, but it would only make it worse, since I am trying desperately to get this damn nut on this bolt and by you yelling, I would only get more anxious, drop the nut, and have to start all over. As we approach our marriage to each other, weekends like this help to cement the fact that I truly am marrying someone who I want to grow old with. Someone who I want to be my friend forever.

We have many other projects planned for our new house. We want to paint the exterior. We would love to finish the basement. It would be wonderful to have a grander back deck. It will be interesting to see how we tackle them in the future. This house will be a labor of love, with our hearts poured into our projects, which will not only strengthen our surroundings, but also strengthen our relationship and our love for each other.

My heart warms when I think of Joe. There has never been anyone else that I have consistently wanted to be around. Things are just so easy with him. To think back on all I have been through before meeting him, and all that he has been through as well, it's incredible to see how far we have come. Although most of the time it feels as if we are already married, I still can't wait to make it official.

I am quite a lucky girl to be surrounded by so much good, love, and beauty. Joe starts back at school tomorrow as a 7th and 8th grade teacher, and I know he will be great. Our schedules will change and it will be back to our busy days and busy nights. We will certainly find time for our home projects and for each other. We start swing dancing classes in a few days, and although I am extremely worried and nervous about it, it's nice to know that I have such a solid partner, dancing next to my side.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Planning a Wedding? How Niiiice....

In the South, a woman uses the phrase "how nice" to describe something she doesn't particularly like. For fear of appearing unladylike and rude, she will use "how nice" instead of giving criticism or disgust directly. That's the first thing that pops into my head when I think of planning a wedding, except it is said with an extremely exaggerated Southern drawl.


I guess I am being slightly dramatic. It hasn't been that bad, and parts of it have actually been fun.
We have had a couple location changes, multiple date changes, and pointless dress drama. I received two sample wedding invitations in the mail today and I have to say they were the wimpiest excuse for an invitation that I have ever seen! If that is what an inexpensive, earth-friendly, recycled invitation looks like, then I don't want one.

There are still lots of gaping holes in our planning process. We need to work on our Save the Date video. We need to gather addresses and email addresses of friends and relatives. We need to start thinking of the most important part, which, coincidentally, is also the part I've spent the least amount of time on - The Ceremony. Funny how I've put about 30 minutes of thought into planning the ceremony but I've done about 12 hours of research on the honeymoon.

Overall, it's going to have to be a process of give and take. There are things I'm not flexible on (outdoor wedding, civil ceremony) and there are things that I will probably end up being flexible on (allowing a DJ to run the show although I am absolutely dreading it, food choice). To me, the most important items are the music and the food, so I think I will certainly welcome input and suggestions from others. I want people to eat well and dance well.

There have been two nights that I have woken up, heart pounding, due to nightmares about my wedding. Both times, my aunt is informed an hour before that she will be catering the wedding. My aunt is not a caterer. It is tortuous to watch. Also, we don't have a ceremony in my nightmare wedding. All of the people sit down in rows to watch Joe and I and all we can do is stare at each other, dumbfounded. We are at our wedding and we completely forgot to plan a ceremony. I believe these dreams are just showcasing things in my mind that I have not planned yet, and helping me to be aware that I will need to put effort and attention into these details. I was so relived when I realized the nightmares weren't real.

The most important part of this wedding is celebrating the love that Joe and I have for each other. All of this other stuff doesn't matter, because it wouldn't be happening if Joe and I weren't crazy about each other. As long as that comes across to our guests and family, then we have done our part. It will all work out, DJ or no DJ.
